We are 100% funded from donations and work under the direction and care of the Alliance of Christian Missions International, established in 1947 and referred to as ACM International. Our Forwarding Agent and ACM International Assistant Treasurer is Samantha Cowley. All general and ministry directed donations for the Odles flow through ACM International account with a major banking institution.
All checks can be made payable to ACM International and mailed to: ACM International, 105 W Berry Street, Greencastle, IN 46135.
For those who prefer to give directly from their bank accounts, we manage ACH transfers through our bank. Please email Samantha for full details and instructions.
All credit and debit card donations are processed through our bank’s merchant accounting system. You can give it immediately through any of the giving links throughout the webpage. Everywhere you click to donate on the website…goes to the Odles’ ministry.
Single and reoccurring giving can be done with ACH or credit card giving.
General Fund
You know this isn’t the most visible part of giving, but it’s the most necessary–without a general fund, there are no Odles In Ghana.
The General Fund includes living, travel, insurances, taxes, passports, residency fees, transportation, communication, retirement, security, and other things it takes to keep the Odles In Ghana.
The General Fund keeps Jared teaching, training, and starting businesses, Anna tutoring in schools, working with women and in communities, and the Odle kids fed, clothed and in school. When the General Fund is full, everything else listed finds a way to happen.
And yes…the Odles always need you to support the General Fund–even when they are not saying so.
Education Fund
Supporting education is one of the best things you can do to end the poverty cycle. By sending local ministry partners children to school, you relieve a serious revenue burden and make an ongoing, generational shift. Currently, we send 15 children to school–in addition to the Odle kids. Your donations are used for tuition, books, required uniforms, and school supplies.
Discipleship & Church Planting
Your giving makes disciples of Jesus in underserved and unreached communities.
After all, that is why the Odles are in Tamale: to be part of the church in Northern Ghana that will send more disciple-makers throughout Ghana, West and North Africa.
This part of the budget sponsors disciple makers and church planters, provides pastor training, and promotes the sustainability of disciple making and church planting.
Students, Disciple Making & BAM
A large part of Jared’s ministry is teaching and training students at Tamale Technical University in disciple-making and business as mission. This area of budget aids in the production of training materials, leadership development, and launching a new aspect of ministry.
The Christian Student Union has not had an outside campus pastor or missionary work directly with them, so this is an exciting, new adventure for everyone.
Sports Outreach
Wild story on how it came about…but Jared & Anna are partnering with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Northern Ghana. Our budget for donating school supplies, sponsoring basketball outreach, building a leadership training platform, sponsoring training for Christian coaches are included in this area.